
Featured Fancy Friday - Volume 2

There's a saying that is rather appropriate for this week's featured Fancy:

Necessity is the mother of all invention.

Wait, no...I don't think that's quite right.  Let's try this one:

Necessity Is The Mother Of Invention: agreed!

Yes, yes.  That's it.  Not that I actually invented this product, but I saw a need, added some Fancy, and "invented" the newest member of the Fancy Fonts family.  

So if Santa (or Grandma) gave your kid this for Christmas...

...then there's a good chance that most surfaces of your house now look like this:

Neon Rainbow Loom Bands

And you can totally relate to this:

parenting ~ rainbow loom bands

But have no fear, Fancy Fonts is here!  Turn clean up into a sorting and fine motor skill activity for your kid with their own personalized Rainbow Loom organizer:

Each storage box has 24 compartments, and the little slats can be removed and configured however you like.  What's really great is that the rainbow loom itself fits right inside.  That noise you're hearing right now is the angels singing on high.  

Christmas Elf on the Shelf idea. Rainbow Loom band angel (like a snow angel).

So now instead of cursing those teeny tiny bands all to hell, you can appreciate what a cool activity the Rainbow Loom is for your kid.  It's possible I've had more fun than my daughters when it comes to learning new patterns, so I may have to make myself my own storage kit sooner rather than later.  

Rainbow Loom storage containers are available for $15 (plus tax).  Please email me at karen.psimas@yahoo.com with orders, questions, and comments.


Featured Fancy Friday - Volume 1

As you may have read in my last post, I have made a commitment to be a better business person this year.  I've been scouring the Internet for ideas  on how to do just that, and one thing that came up often was to share blog posts on a consistent basis - whether it's once a day, once a week, or once a month, I should be blogging regularly.  So right now, while my rate of Fancy is on the slower end of the spectrum, I'll aim for once a week.

Some of you are new to Fancy Fonts, so I'd love to share some of my fan favorites with you.  What better day of the week to feature fan favorite Fancy than on Friday?!  So here it is, the first installment of Featured Fancy Friday!

Most of us are slowly starting to come out of the fog that is the holiday season, and since I'm still working on a Christmas canvas for a patient customer, you could count me in that group.  But Valentine's Day is right around the corner, and I'm all about showing the love!  A quick heads up...what I'm about to show you might have you craving a little something sweet.

How Fancy are these custom conversation hearts?!  Pictured above are four wooden heart-shaped plaques, painted to replicate the colors of the conversation heart candies available around Valentine's Day.  They're mounted on a decorative ribbon with a hook at the top for hanging.  Each of these particular hearts measures 5 inches from top to bottom.   If you're short on space but still need something Fancy for your Valentine's Day decor, consider a slightly larger solo heart:

This Fancy guy measures 7 inches from top to bottom and has a loop of decorative ribbon for hanging.  Solo hearts make great gifts for teachers, care givers, or anyone you want to show a little love.

Hearts can be painted any color you like, and the choice of fonts is endless.  Pricing for conversation heart wall hangings is based on size and number of hearts - each 5" heart is $6 (so $24 for a family of four as pictured above), and 7" hearts are $8 each.  

To place an order, please email me at karen.psimas@yahoo.com.  And if you don't already, be sure to follow me on Pinterest and Instagram (@fancyfontsvb) to see what's running through my Fancy little brain!  I hope you've enjoyed Fancy Fonts' first ever Featured Fancy Friday.  Have a great weekend!


In with the new

Hello Fancy Fans, and Happy New Year!  As you can probably tell by the enormous gap between this post and my last that from October until the end of the year leaves little time for blogging in Fancyland.  It's the time of year when I have a steady stream of orders, combined with a multitude of birthday and holiday events with the kids and various family obligations.  Certain things had to be removed from my plate, and since I can still interact with my fans through Facebook, the blog was first on the chopping block.

But now it's January, and my pace has slowed tremendously.  Christmas break gave me a chance to breathe and be the most yes mom I could be with my kids while they were home from school. It also gave me a chance to reflect on this past year of Fancy Fonts, and envision where I would like my little business to be a year from now and beyond. Fancy Fonts wouldn't be where it is today without Facebook. I pay for zero advertising, so I rely on the viral powers of Facebook to spread word of mouth about what I do. It's how I communicate with my customers about new products, order deadlines, and special offers. Facebook has served Fancy Fonts well, but it has its limitations. 

As most of you already know, My work is primarily made of custom orders, which I think is why my loyal fans keep coming back. People come to me when they need a unique gift that suits its recipient to a tee. They come to me when something storebought just won't do. I think this is what I love most about what I do. But herein lies the limitation - with a limited budget to create inventory, how do I get customers to see the new ideas that are possible if the only thing they can see is what I've done in the past? 

Enter Pinterest. I didn't have much time for recreational pinning during the holiday rush, but now that the hustle and bustle is in my rear view mirror, I've been busy getting reacquainted with my old friend. I've had a board called "Fancy" since I first started my account, and it's where I've stored every single pin that seemed to be a good fit for my customers. Sometime this past week, a light bulb turned on...this is how I can show my customers what I can do for them! I've set up a Pinterest account dedicated solely to Fancy Fonts where you can see what I'd love to do for you, if given the opportunity. I invite you to follow me at www.pinterest.com/fancyfonts, where you'll find pin boards dedicated to all things Fancy...from kitchen decor to calligraphy, beachy bathroom signs to baby's birth announcement. I can follow you in return and get a better idea of what you Fancy. The better I know my customers, the Fancier I can be for you!

Another light bulb went off when I started thinking about other ways I connect with people in my life. Well duh, Instagram! I had thought about using Instagram simply to share photos of my work, but this didn't seem all that exciting to me. I wouldn't want to follow someone who just posted pictures of stuff they're trying to sell, so I could only imagine there are others out there who share my sentiment. I like following people who give me a glimpse into their everyday lives, a snapshot of the ordinary things that make their lives wonderfully unique. As someone who specializes in creating unique gifts out of ordinary items like piggy banks, coffee mugs, and cork boards, I knew Fancy Fonts needed to be part of the Instagram community. I'm excited to invite you to follow Fancy Fonts on Instagram as well, at www.instagram.com/fancyfontsvb. You'll see pics of works in progress (or in today's case, works in very little progress!), quotes that inspire me or make me laugh, and probably some finished products as well. I love what you let me do for you, and I hope that will be evident through the pictures I post.

I feel like I'm coming into my own with the creative aspect of Fancy Fonts, and I enjoy looking back at my earlier work to see how it's changed and developed. Right now, at a time of year when the orders come in as more of a trickle than a flood, I look to better myself as a small business owner. I feel like I'm off to a great start with the addition of a presence on social media, and I plan to be more consistent with my blog posts to keep you up to date on the latest and greatest in Fancyland. As always, I encourage your comments and suggestions on all aspects of what I do, and I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your continued support and encouragement as my little business grows and changes. You stay Fancy in 2014!